It’s vision boarding time! This is a practice I’ve done since 2004. Many of my friends and colleagues know that I am a manifester, and part of this magic is the ability to take what’s in my head and transform it to a physical form. As an artist, I know that it’s key for my ideas to move from my imagination onto the paper, through written words and symbols. Vision boarding is translating your vision for your self into a form that you can then reflect back to yourself, like a map or a sketch.
The key areas I focus on are:
1. WELLBEING: What is my vision for living in balance and experiencing emotional, mental and physical health?
2. PURPOSE/LEGACY: This is the section where I think about my art practice and my organization. What is my purpose in life and how do I achieve it through my focus and labor? What am I building for this and the next generations? What kind of leader do I wanna be? (shout out to @layelcamargo for suggesting this instead of “Career”)
3. COMMUNITY/VILLAGE/FAMILY: How am I building a community and/or family/chosen family? I keep these areas together because I’m a relationship anarchist and I value my various relationships outside of the settler state’s definitions.
4. WEALTH: How am I building wealth for my community and future generations, and helping to liberate stolen wealth and secure resources for the projects I want to carry out? How am I building alternative economic practices?
5. LOVE, SEX, ROMANCE: What do I want in this area? What are my desires and fantasies? How am I nurturing my W.A.P? How am I rejecting the settler’s definition of my sexuality and creating a new story that feels good to me?
You will need some paper (ideally color paper), color markers, scissors, glue, and a large piece of cardboard. For each section, write out your vision and how you wanna show up to that vision. On another color, write out milestones that would serve as indicators of success. Make a collage.
I’m still working on my vision board for 2022 but I will post some pics soon. Slide 2 is a snapshot of my 2021 vision board.
I’m grateful for my chosen fam!